Many times, we are advised to “think outside the box.” Often we rush to do that, but we neglect to re-explore the contents of our boxes that we have accumulated. The truth is, thinking inside those boxes is really important, because it provides opportunities to change perspectives on many aspects, and that can provide useful options for increased growth.
Participating in the YALI program allowed me to think inside the box. I discovered that changing my perspective about the challenges in my community was a multi-dimensional endeavor. Going through coaching, collaborative workshops, community services and first hand experiences changed my perspective on service and life. YALI taught me to accept challenges and work through them, to study history in order to improve the future, to embrace unexpected options, and to become more mindful.
Walking in someone else’s shoes provides the opportunity to see the world from a different viewpoint, and escaping blindfolds is really liberating. Community service opportunities helped me to expand my perspective and my consider other ideas before forming an opinion.
Thinking inside the box happened because I came to care, and now I am aware that I make a difference in my community because of newly discovered values. I have room to think, to give back to my community. I am not just living, but I am participating. I am appreciative and more conscious of my role in improving the community. I am proud to see the results of my efforts, and to be an example to those around me; a role model for future generations.
Thinking inside the box becomes easier and more natural over time. It is the ability to embrace new techniques while incorporating important experiences and lessons. YALI is service; it is humanity; it is empathy; and above all it allows us to fall, to break and to laugh, and then continue on to think inside the boxes to build better communities.
I am reminded of a short story that I wrote for World Refugee Day 2018, emphasizing why it is important to change our perspective and grow in our opinions.
Selfish Me
“Mama, my legs hurt,” said my little girl.
“Mama, I am hungry,” said my little boy.
I took a deep breath and as my eyes filled with tears. But how did we get here?
It is a beautiful evening and the sunset is so big and red, I can feel the breeze so fresh and warm passing through my face enjoying the sounds of the water and of the birds. I pictured myself flying up in the sky flipping my wings from side to side. But my dream is interrupted by a big sound with shaking grounds that make my stomach feel so empty with my heart racing so fast. Distraction and Poverty in every direction. I am trembling but I need to survive and hopefully I will see tomorrow.
Today, my home has been infected with the most deadly virus in the world, a monster created to wipe out my entire family. Left, without identify, sanity, food, water, education, no basic health facility and above all, left in isolation.
From the darkness that has befallen my bright future, I asked myself, will there be a chance to see a healing place? I realized I was asking the wrong question, the question was how did each one of us create a “selfish me” and decided to create a selfish us, decided to use a weapon to talk instead of the mouth, to hate one another, not to give a helping hand when the neighbor went to bed everyday on an empty stomach and above all only thought about us.
I looked at the selfish me in the mirror and said enough is enough, I will create a better healing place. I will use my limited resources to help offer to my fellow brother and sister and do everything I can to share with the little that I have.
I stand on Love, Care, and I stand on Peace. I CARE not to make any person to run from what is called Home because “Home is where the heart is.”
For every heart, with a shared responsibility, courage and love must come to cure the selfish me and it shall be a refuge for every other person. It is shall be a healing place with a future for all.
#SelflessMe, Togetherness is the future.
“Mamã, minhas pernas doem” disse minha garotinha.
“Mamã, Estou com fome,” disse meu filhinho.
Eu respirei fundo e os meus olhos se encheram de lágrimas. Mas como é que chegamos aqui?
É uma noite linda e o pôr-do-sol é tão grande e vermelho que sinto a brisa tão fresca e quente passando pelo meu rosto apreciando os sons da água e dos pássaros. Imaginei-me voando no céu, lançando as minhas asas de um lado para o outro. Mas o meu sonho é interrompido por um grande som com tremores que fizeram com que o meu estômago sentir-se tão vazio com o meu coração acelerando tão rápidamente. Distração e pobreza em todas as direções. Estou tremendo, mas preciso de sobreviver e espero de ver amanhã.
Hoje, a minha casa foi infectada com o vírus mais letal do mundo, um monstro criado para destruir toda a minha família. Fiquei, sem identificação, sanidade, comida, água, educação, nenhuma instalação básica de saúde e acima de tudo, deixada em isolamento.
Das trevas que se abateram sobre o meu futuro brilhante, perguntei a mim mesmo: haverá uma chance de encontrar um local de cura? Percebi que estava fazendo a pergunta errada, a questão era como cada um de nós criará um “como eu sou egoista” e decidímos criar um egoísta, decidímos usar uma arma para falar no lugar da boca, para odiar uns aos outros, não dar uma ajuda em quanto o vizinho vai para a cama todos os dias com o estômago vazio e acima de tudo só pensando em nós.
Eu olhei para o “como eu sou egoista” no espelho e disse basta, eu vou criar um lugar melhor de cura. Usarei os meus recursos limitados para ajudar a oferecer aos meus irmãos e irmãs e fazer tudo o que puder para compartilhar com o pouco que tenho.
Eu mantenho no amor, carinho e eu estou na paz. Cuido de não fazer fugir ninguém do que é chamado Lar porque “Lar é onde está o coração.”
Para todo coração, com uma responsabilidade compartilhada, coragem e amor devem vir curar o “eu egoísta” e isto será um refúgio para todas as outras pessoas. É seria um lugar de cura com um futuro para todos.
#EuAltruísta, União é o futuro.
The post Outside the Box: Reflections on YALI 2018 appeared first on Presidential Precinct.